In the midst of your busy daily routine, the Open Booth is a space for you to reflect and refocus so you can decrease your stress level and increase your productivity, creativity and sense of calm.

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We offer state-of-the-art Smart Space that cater to the needs of open-minded individuals seeking inner peace and mental well-being.

The team

Open was founded by a team of passionate students and professionals. Frustrated by the lack of effective de-stress solution at the workspaces, they decided to make the techonologies work for us. By combining their knowledge of mindfulness and engineering, they are developing an alternative to scrolling on phones for modern day workers to decompress.

Why meditation?

A study from Yale shows that you don't need to move to a monastery in Bali, those with no prior meditation experience who meditated for just ten minutes each day showed faster response times, greater accuracy, and an enhanced ability to sustain attention.